
Our curriculum blends content development and digital technology courses. All courses are hands-on and project based, with broad opportunities for collaboration and creativity. 

Year One introduces students to new ways of thinking about storytelling and content development, while also allowing for explorative experiences that augment existing practice and knowledge. Also in the first year, you will start the process of exploring ideas and doing initial research for a master’s project. Year Two places a significant emphasis on each student’s master’s project production. Master’s project work is supported with a series of seminars and advanced studio courses. Our mentorship program pairs students with industry professionals for 一个-to-一个 mentorships on thesis projects. In addition, students are also afforded the opportunity to work with undergraduate students through appointed teaching assistantships, and/or collaborations with faculty on research projects as research assistants.

Here are some of our classes:

  • Master’s Project (develop your own project)
  • Visual Narrative & Story Structure
  • Intellectual Property
  • The Synthetic Image (Digital techniques for Lighting, Rendering, and Compositing)
  • Visual Styles for 动画  (Character, Prop and Environment Design, and Visual Development)
  • Professional Practices (work with an industry mentor, or teach, or try an internship)
  • New Technologies Studio (VR, AR, Unreal, Unity, coding, etc.)
  • The Synthetic Movement (Digital 动画)
  • Post Production Techniques (Compositing, FX)
  • Special Study (advance research in support of thesis project)
  • Interactive Studio (VR, AR, Unreal, Unity, coding, etc.)
  • Sound Landscapes (Sound Design and Editing)

Man Staring at Dilapidated House